Things have been hectic. Last two weeks of school and I have been running around like a chicken with my head cut off. I feel like I have been going non-stop for weeks. Just to get you up to speed:
- Jazz had an over night sleep study in Chapel Hill 2 weeks ago. The tech who did the study, although very nice, reminded me of the principal from the Adam Sandler movie, Billy Madison. Weird. No results as of yet. I have lots of video I haven't uploaded yet.
- Saw GI and small changes to their feedings. Jazz has increased volume by 4 ounces and Solara switched to a fiber formula. Both strongly encouraged to increase their water intake.
-Family portraits done by Kathryn Falconer Photography downtown last week. I cannot wait to get those. Had a sneak peek to 4 pics and its killing me!
-I have sunburn on my upper thighs, and no where else. My legs are on fire. I seriously contemplated making today a no pants day, but I had shit to do in public and realized there was a hole in my underwear.
- Introduced the fiancée to the magical wonders of Margaritas
- Did an interview with a local radio station sharing the story of my girls and the care they receive at the hospital here. They are using it for their Radio-Thon in September to raise funds for the children's hospital. I did not sound like an asshole like I thought I would and I didn't even cry, I am so proud of myself. Got to take a tour of the studio and met some DJ's I listen to on a daily basis. pretty freaking awesome. Well except for that Susanne DJ. She pisses me off.
-My soon to be sister-in-law compared me to the Southpark version of Dog the Bounty Hunter's wife. follow that link...I was not amused.
- Had some sales in my Etsy shop this week and working on custom stuff. WOOT!
- The baby shit in the bathtub today. that was a glorious experience.
- Aforementioned baby turned 3 this past week. And by 3, I totally mean 30. She is such a demanding, screechy little human.
- In a fit of road rage, blew my horn at a jack ass driver, gave him the finger and called him an asshole. My 3 year old very excitedly told me "Mommy, that was AWESOME!!!" Another proud mommy moment. I laughed pretty hard about all that.
-Ate a cheeseburger with a krispy kreme donut as a bun. Most delicious thing on the planet, I might add.
I know I am forgetting a ton of shit right now but, whatever. There you go. CHEERS!
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